Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bosnia Herzegovina

Bosnia Herzegovina is one of the oddest place I have ever visited. I mean the thought of it, that I have actually been in Bosnia Herzegovina is weird. The country was in the war twenty years ago! And it is middle of nowhere! In addition to the war I didn't know anything about it, except they participate to the Eurovision song contest every year. That's it.

Today I know more: it is cheap, poor, but rising country. They want to be part of EU so bad that they designed their flag accordingly: with the blue color and some stars, so that they would fit in! Ooh, too cute! The food is tasty and their wine is surprisingly good too. I only spent few hours in the city called Mostar, where there are still signs of the war everywhere. They re-built the most famous bridge in that area in 9 years, after it had been destroyed in the war. What a hard working, proud people they are! I really do wish them all the best! =)

The country side 

The view from the bridge

The temperature dropped from +44 Celsius degrees to +15 in a day! Huh?!

The famous bridge

The war was here

Two soups, a shared starter, two mains and two classes of red: all together a wee bit more than 20 euros. That's cheap as milk! 

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